Before phone, trains, cars, telegraph and photos changed the world completely, people from all corners of the world used to stay in touch through letters and little painted portraits. Most of them never got the chance to meet face to face.
Unbelievable as it may sounds today things are not so much different. Yes, we do have some pretty fancy tools to cut distances, but how many of us manage to see in flesh and blood the ones with whom they exchange ideas, projects, thoughts or feelings, especially now when social networking sites are flourishing?
Out of them, Twitter is the latest hype in town and not in vain. Twitter reminds me of Matrix, but in the good sense. The permanent buzz, the vibes,the laughs, the egos, the links, the connections, the virtual bridges on which you can walk and have a glimpse of what a New Yorker or a Mumbaikar is doing in that very moment you keep your eyes on the screen...
In time, reading practically haiku-like live journals, you cannot but get closer to completely strange people. As I said today to one of my twitter friends I love the mundane part of Twitter. Besides the information purpose, it is the human side that makes me come back every day in twitterverse. Yes, I like to read when someone has no parking place, or lost his byke keys, or is going to the dentist, or has a bad day in the office as much as I like to listen to their opinions on elections, movies, books, iPhone or the movements of Stock Exchange. This is what we do on a daily basis with our real friends. Sharing everything that surrounds us.
As in real life, you come to have close friends, friends, pals, acquaintances and for one and each of them you start to develop feelings: acknowledgement, respect, care, admiration, warmth, concern, tenderness...depending on the depth of relationship.
Tweetship is still the old kind of friendship but dressed up in 140 characters.
That's the sweetest aspect of things. We develop real human feelings to the ones at the other end even though we haven't seen them physically.
"Tweetship is still the old kind of friendship but dressped up in 140 chars"
-Well said.
When you meet face to face, the interaction and Communication have entirely different scope.
I disagree when People say call online Interactions as virtual. The Person at the two ends are still Human beings..
Like we met and interacted on Twitter just a couple of Hours back..
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