Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Giving they say
is having a bit of God in yourself.
Giving they say
is writing your soul with heavenly letters.
Giving they say
is crushing your mind for others sake.
Giving they say
is rewarding the nature with balance.
Giving they say
is breaking the spells and bad omen.
Giving they say
is stepping mercilessly on your ego.
Giving they say
is enlightening your shadowed spirit.
Giving they say
is bringing sun into the blackest of sorrows.
Giving they say
is soothing the troubled and clouded souls.

Receiving instead is just a piece of science fiction story,
And this poet here has never met such a tremendous glory.


Shakti_Shetty said...


You wrote what I try to write.

Thais said...

@Shakti Then... I am happy. :) Hugs back my inner connaiseur. :)

KoE said...

Really liked this one. Last two lines were very impacting.

Anonymous said...

I heart this. Beautiful.